
Healthy Alternative Oatmeal Pancake Recipe

By Ben Cook

Regular pancakes are usually made from white flour and are considered not having as many nutrients as those made with other grains. They are carbohydrate loaded so in some cases they can cause your blood sugar to rise rather high. Flour pancakes have no source of fiber but if you use other grains you will be able to provide your body with less carbohydrates and a great deal of fiber. You can use oatmeal as one of those alternative grains to make an Oatmeal Pancake Recipe.

The original oatmeal pancake comes from a country you would not expect it to come from. They come from Sweden and are usually served with fruit and jelly instead of syrup. Oatmeal pancakes can be served with regular syrup too and they taste very good, but you can also put applesauce on them if you do not want to use syrup.

In this recipe use regular oatmeal instead of the microwave type. Also avoid the Quick Oats in the following recipe. The only oatmeal you should use is slow cooked oatmeal and you can use organic oatmeal if you wish.

To make a simple oatmeal pancake batch place 1 and 1 half cup of oats in a large bowl along with 2 cups of milk. You can use skim or 2 percent milk and set the bowl aside to rest for about ten minutes or so. Take another bowl and in it put 1 half cup of whole wheat flour and 1 half cup of all purpose flour. It has a little bit of white flour in it but the combination of oatmeal and wheat flour will make it have much more fiber and nutrients that pancakes made with all white flour. Add to that bowl 1 tablespoon of baking powder, 1 fourth teaspoon of salt, 1 half teaspoon cinnamon and 1 tablespoon of brown sugar. Take your whisk and stir these dry ingredients until they are well combined.

The next thing to do is break 2 eggs into a small bowl and beat them well. Add them to the bowl with the oatmeal and milk. Take 1 fourth cup of butter and melt it and add to the oatmeal mixture. Also add 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract. Start adding the dry ingredients to the oatmeal mixture just a little bit at a time and mix it in well by hand after each addition. Once all is mixed in you can start to make your pancakes.

Place a griddle or skillet on a stove and turn the burner on and once it gets hot add a little bit of butter or oil. Scoop out one fourth of a cup of the pancake batter and pour it onto the hot griddle. Pretty soon bubbles will start to gather around the edge of the pancake and when it is totally circled by bubbles turn the pancake over. The pancake is done when both sides of it have been browned and the inside is fluffy. You can put butter on top then pour syrup over top or just top with jam or applesauce.

You can also make a yummy orange flavored syrup to pour over your pancakes. The syrup is simple to make and it gives added dimension to oatmeal pancakes. You will need one half cup of sugar in a saucepan along with one fourth of a cup of orange juice, one fourth of a light corn syrup and one fourth of a cup of butter. Whisk while on the heat and stop once it starts to bubble and boil. Take the pan off the heat and set it aside for about 5 minutes then pour over the pancake. This syrup is not nearly as healthy as the pancake but if you want to be adventurous you may want to try it along with your oatmeal pancake recipe.

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